Books of Kell's Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on financial contributions to develop new work, purchase materials and equipment, and sustain our programs. Please consider making a one-time or recurring gift in any amount. Even a small monthly contribution helps.


VISIONARY: $5000 & Over

When you donate as a Visionary, you will:

* be recognized as a donor in our year-end print catalog.

* be listed as a donor on our website.

* have the option to be recognized by name on the donor page in all forthcoming Books of Kell’s Press titles published during the donation year.

* receive a one-year beetle print subscription (4 prints)


* receive a collection of all Books of Kell’s Press titles in print.

* receive a copy of every book we publish during the donation year.

PATRON: $2,500 to $4,999

When you donate as a Patron, you will:

* be recognized as a donor in our year-end print catalog.

* be listed as a donor on our website.

* have the option to be recognized by name on the donor page in one forthcoming Books of Kell’s Press title of your choice.

* receive a one-year beetle print subscription (4 prints)


* receive two in-print books or hand-embellished prints of your choice published by Books of Kell’s Press.

PARTNER: $1,000 to $2,499

When you donate as a Partner, you will:

* be recognized as a donor in our year-end print catalog.

* be listed as a donor on our website.

* have the option to be recognized by name on the donor page in one forthcoming Books  of Kell’s Press title of your choice.

* receive a one-year beetle print subscription (4 prints)


* receive one in-print book or hand-embellished print of your choice published by Books of Kell’s Press.

FRIEND: $250 to $999

When you donate as a Friend, you will:

* be recognized as a donor in our year-end print catalog.

* be listed as a donor on our website.


* have the option to be recognized by name on the donor page in one forthcoming Books of Kell’s Press title of your choice.

* receive a one-year beetle print subscription (4 prints)


When you donate $15 per month or more, you will:

* be recognized as a donor in our year-end print catalog.

* be listed as a donor on our website.


* receive a one-year beetle print subscription (4 prints)

SUPPORTER: Up to $249

When you donate as a supporter, you will:

* be recognized as a donor in our year-end print catalog.

* be listed as a donor on our website.


Small amounts add up! If you choose to make a recurring monthly payment, we will track your progress through the year and you will receive each additional incentive as soon as you reach the next level. Be advised that occasionally items do go out of print.

Copyright Kelly M. Houle 2015